Monday, September 1, 2008

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In Relationships and sex section you could find The Frisky Sexpert and Relationship novice, her name Lindsay Goldenberg. You will find her sexastic answer for your questions. It is like online magazine for women everywhere, and guys who want to know how dating a modern women, should come to
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Before we make a date, women and guy should read relationship advice section at, lots of information dating don't and do. Learn from the celebrity relationship,how to save face during break up, and how to dump your summer fling.
More at sex Advice Column section, ask question to this section, Lindsay gots the answer. There are 7 signs ,if you may dating a sex maniac. Here are about man and sex :
-Men who have sex no more than once a month were 2.4 times more likely to report the sex was not pleasurable. This could mean it’s not any good anyway, or that these men would be having better sex if they did it more often.
-Sex is better for men in a satisfying relationship.
-Men with college degrees were more likely to report pleasurable sex and ease reaching orgasm than those who hadn’t finished high school.
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So do save sex, and ask to Sexpert Lindsay, if you really not sure about sex and orgasm at sex advice column.

1 comment:

cletsey said...

Most of the relationships start because marriage is not possible or not desired at that point of time, but living and exploiting someone only for fun is not called for at all. Will certainly visit your site more often now.

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