Thursday, October 16, 2008

Infra red underwear, makes beautiful body

Envy product from revellglobal have quality to make Beautiful body contour begins with the right undergarment the Form of the Beautiful Body was begun with Beautiful Underwear ENVY Underwear that consisted of the corset and trousers, that were added items infra red to help formed the body/the ideal body in according to your dream. Made from nylon spandeks for comfort. The ENVY Body Slim corset helped making slim the stomach, formed the body, makes slim the uper arm. and makes slim the hip. ENVY Slim trousers also helped slim the stomach part, slim the hip, left quickly and more stronger the flabby thigh. Envy SLIM: for the health and the form of the body , the far infra red Effect of the Magnetic Wave the Titanium Ion Anti Fibre ENVY SLIM Surplus germs: the rays infra red was proven helped launched the circulation of blood, metabolism of fat suction was abundant naturally, slimming the body and overcame the tired feeling quickly, slimming or ideal body and overcame the tired feeling quickly. Feel the massage magnetic wave helped to improve ionisation in blood, launched the circulation of blood and at the same time giving the health yg better. Ion titanium helped killed and prevented the growth of the bacteria, then no longer has the problem of the body and the problem of the wet armpit of the smell generally the woman Fiber anti-germs yg was drafted to prevent the growth of the bacteria.

The fabric material yg high flexibility with the function anti roll gave the comfortable feeling and the form of the body yg captured. The benefit: burn the fat in the part yg excessive help slimming the body and tightened the hip of push the chest part especially the form of breasts that have descended/loose and avoided the form of the thigh . Feel comfortable when you wear the Envy underwear by absorb the sweat and not was felt itchy when being used by help and agreeing very much for the woman yg just gave birth. Menjadikan the form of the body was more interesting. Helped reduced fat behind arms. Make it slim the waist, and slimming make it strong and formed the thigh